Let us source it for you
Are you looking for a specific designer handbag? BASELLE will help you find it!
We will use our vast seller network to track down your dream bag.
Whether it's a vintage CHANEL, rare Louis Vuitton or hard-to-find Hermès handbag, we'll do our best to find the bag you're looking for.
How it works
Send us your search request using the following form. Include a picture of the item you are looking for.
Our team will start searching and get back to you as soon as we have found what you are looking for.
If you are satisfied with our search, we will send you an invoice. Due to limited availability, we ask you to pay the invoice immediately so that the item is secured for you.
Upon receipt of payment your dream bag will be sent to BASELLE and checked by our experts. It will then be packed and sent to you.